


Mica & Joe’s wedding

Jason and I got to film a beautiful rainy Oregon wedding at the end of December. It was so much fun working with Mica and Joe. Although the weather wasn’t the best, we got some beautiful shots. Jason strapped an umbrella to his CameTv stabilizer to protect the motor and battery from getting wet. It was so funny seeing him walking around with that. But it did the job and he got some amazing movement shots with it. We love our Came. It’s amazing how smooth everything is!


MJ hands


We used two cameras for this film; our Sony rx10ii and our Nikon with a 35mm f1.8 lens. We had to work with cloudy lighting so in post production we had to do some color correction to match both cameras. The Sony shot a little too bright but we were able to fix it on Adobe Premier using some LUT’s: mostly Blue Ice.


This was just a fun project! We loved filming the reception as well. The Cametv was so great for getting the shots of people dancing. It felt as if you were there!

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