


Free Videography For Non-Profits Supporting Children

Over the last few years, we have had the amazing opportunity to work with multiple non-profits who benefit children cancer, diseases, education, etc!  We feel strongly about supporting those who are supporting the future of our children.  Whether you are a Non-Profit organization supporting research for childhood deceases , benefiting childhood education or what ever it may be, we want you to contact us to see if we can help you get a free video edit to help grow and promote your organization!

Contact us Here

Why organizations that support children?  Francisca and I got married 7 year ago at a young age. Move forward to 2017, we have 4 beautiful children and we are loving every moment we spend with them!… well most moments.  We would do anything to make sure our children have a bright future and live a long healthy life and we want to align our company up with great non-profit who have the same goal.

Below are some great non-profit projects we have worked on over the last few years.  Take a look these edits and contact us if you are or know of a great non-profit organization that could use some high end video to push their cause!


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